If President Juncker wants to use the EU budget to demonstrate ‘solidarity’, it is EU Cohesion Policy that makes a real difference to how citizens perceive and identify with the EUhttp://www.cor.europa.eu
The launch of the European Commission’s proposals for the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) throws a spotlight on how the EU budget should be used to maximise the added value of EU spending.
May 7, 2018
Studio Ue, grazie a fondi coesione aumenta identità europeahttp://www.ansa.it
Investire nella politica di coesione “migliora la percezione dei vantaggi” derivanti dall’integrazione europea da parte dei cittadini, ma troppo spesso i suoi risultati non sono comunicati in maniera efficace.
February 5, 2018
Andreja Pegan iz Dublina: “Evropski denar ne more kupiti ljubezni do Evropske unije.”http://www.rtvslo.si
Dr. Andreja Pegan je diplomirala v Ljubljani, magistrirala na Nizozemskem, doktorirala na univerzi v Luksemburgu. Danes živi v Dublinu, kjer je del mednarodne ekipe v projektu Cohesify, v katerem preučuje vpliv kohezijske politike na evropsko zavest.
The aim of Cohesion policy is to provide support to less developed regions in the EU to boost the level of development in these regions: it aims to contribute by providing means for additional investments into growth-enhancing infrastructure, business and human capital investments.
As every year, the Managing Authority of ERDF funds in Spain organised, with the help of Regio Plus Consulting, partner of the COHESIFY project, a dissemination event for citizens and stakeholders. The objective of this workshop was to learn about the progress of the different operational […]
Communication is an integral part of Cohesion Policy which aims to highlight the contribution of the European Union to national and local development, to ensure that potential beneficiaries know about available funding opportunities, and ultimately to contribute to the creation of a shared European identity.
Many believe that Cohesion policy could counterbalance the negative impact of the EU crises having diverging impact on different member states crises for the identification with the EU.
It has become a fixed entry in the European communications calendar: the Europcom conference has just taken place for the 8th time, bringing together more than 1000 communication professionals from all over Europe – mainly from the public sector, but also growingly from the private sector.